Year 3 Wrens
Welcome to Wrens
Class Teacher - Miss Dunn
LSP - Mrs Merryweather
Our Learning
In our Maths lessons this term, we will be focusing mainly on multiplication and division of three-digit numbers by one-digit number using the formal written method. The children will be encouraged to use multiplication and division in different areas of maths. We will also be practising our problem-solving skills each week and working on our times tables.
In English, we will be reading texts and our writing pieces will be based around these texts. We will be reading ‘Charlie and the Chocolate Factory’ by Roald Dahl. Our next text will be Enid Blyton’s ’The Enchanted Wood’. We will begin by writing a newspaper article, where we will be using formal language to inform. We will build vocabulary about Charlie, and use Alan Peat sentence types to plan our writing. Throughout the term, we will develop the children's spelling, punctuation and grammar skills whilst also focusing on handwriting and presentation.
This term, some of us will be reading ‘Fantastic Mr Fox’ by Roald Dahl and some of us will be reading 'The Ancient Egyptian Sleepover'. During our lessons, children will be using dictionaries to find the definitions of new and unfamiliar vocabulary. All the children will take part in a shared read to discuss what they have read before going onto answering VIPERS comprehension questions about each chapter.
During the first half, our topic will be ‘Animals Including Humans’. Children will learn about the 5 food groups and the three main functions of the human skeleton - to protect, to support, and to allow movement. They will also learn the names and locations of major bones in the body.
In the next half-term, our focus will be ‘Forces and Magnets’. The children will observe how magnets attract or repel each other and why they attract some materials and not others. The children will then compare and group together a variety of everyday materials, on the basis of whether they are attracted to a magnet, and identify some magnetic materials.
This term, our history topic will be the Ancient Egyptians. We will be finding out lots of information about how these people lived, the Gods that they worshipped and how they viewed life and death. We are hoping to visit Birmingham Art Museum, towards the end of the half-term, to support our learning about the Ancient Egyptians. More information will follow.
In Geography, we will be learning about volcanoes. We are very excited to be learning about the different layers of the Earth, so that we can understand how volcanoes form and volcanoes are formed and what causes them to erupt.
This half-term, we will be creating abstract sculptures. We will use our knowledge of 2D shapes within 3D shapes to develop ideas for a 3D sculpture.
In DT, we will be undertaking two projects. We will be researching, designing and making an informative poster which will incorporate an electrical circuit. Then, we will be using our knowledge of balanced diets to design and make a tart which uses seasonally available fruits and vegetables.
In music, we will continue to learn to play the trumpet! We will be visited by Mr Bates every Monday throughout the year when we will be learning to read music, as well as perform in front of audiences.
In PE, we will be focusing on dance and gymnastics. We will be following on from what we learnt last half-term and developing our performance skills. We will be practising using balance to improve our control and layering, while working in groups to compose and create works of our own. We will be putting our dance to music and performing it in front of our class members.
We will begin the term by looking at networks. Then, we will explore how websites work and the role of a router. Next, we will learn about the purpose of computer parts and the inside of a laptop.
This term, we will be learning the words for a variety of colours. We will then expand our vocabulary, using adjectives to describe the size, colour and shape of objects,
This half–term, we will be learning about Sikhi. Our unit this half term is: How is faith expressed in Sikh communities and traditions? We will be looking at the Guru Nanak and other 10 Sikh Gurus, as well as the Sikh Gods. We will look at the 5 k’s and have a closer look at Gurdwaras local to us.
Our PSHE theme will be ‘Dreams and Goals', where we will discuss the possible barriers we may face in reaching our goals, and how we may be able to overcome these alone or with help.
Look what we have been doing...
History Showcase
On the afternoons of 5th and 6th December, we invited parents and carers into school to look at, and hear about, our amazing history learning.
This half-term we have been focussing on the Stone Age! The children had an incredible time learning more about the Stone Age on our workshop day by becoming archaeologists, studying artefacts and experiencing how Stone Age people lived.
The children have also been using their historical knowledge of the Stone Age to inspire their art projects! Over a number of weeks, the children have been using their sketchbooks to build on their sketching and painting skills in order to create their own Stone Age-style cave painting. Using cardboard, natural paints, couscous and lentils, they created some excellent masterpieces!