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Physical Education

Purpose of Study

A high-quality physical education curriculum inspires all pupils to succeed and excel in competitive sport and other physically-demanding activities. It should provide opportunities for pupils to become physically confident in a way which supports their health and fitness. Opportunities to compete in sport and other activities build character and help to embed values such as fairness and respect. (National Curriculum, 2014)

School Vision

Our vision is for all children at Burnt Tree Primary School is to experience excellent physical education, school sport and physical activity that will lead to life-long participation. Our PE curriculum aims to ensure that all pupils develop the fundamental skills and competence to excel in a wide range of physical activities by providing a broad and balanced curriculum with opportunities for all to be enjoyed.

We teach our pupils to:

  • Recognise the importance of physical education and the role it has to play in promoting active and healthy lifestyles. 

  • To be passionate about sport and continue to become honest, determined learners.

  • To be inspired through exciting and stimulating P.E lessons that are enjoyable and accessible to all.

  • To grow their own self-belief whilst displaying high levels on respect and sportsmanship. 


To help us achieve this we:

  • Provide a weekly P.E programme which incorporates a range of sports and skills building on children’s abilities as well as developing resilience and confidence.

  • Provide a range of extra-curricular activities to motivate and inspire children by giving them further opportunities to experience new sports as well as those that they are passionate about.

  • Ensure all children understand the importance of not only physical development but also the impact that P.E has on their own wellbeing.

  • Allow children to participate in workshops with professional athletes which give them aspirations for the future and develops their self-belief. 

Useful Websites


Look at what we have been doing...

Save the Planet intervention with the WBA Foundation




Spring 1


Boys 5&6 EFL football competition @ WBA Dome

9 of our years 5&6 boys football attended the WBA dome to compete in the EFL football competition. They did a great job and won 2 of their matches. Well done on representing Burnt Tree so well!