Year 3 Eagles
Welcome to Eagles
Class Teacher - Mrs Wood
LSP - Mrs Giles
Our learning
In our Maths lessons we will be covering the following areas; place value, ordering numbers, counting and estimating, adding and subtracting numbers, multiplication and division facts,
measuring, money, time and looking at 2D and 3D shapes. We will also be practicing our problem solving skills each week and working on our times tables.
In English, we will be reading texts and our writing pieces will be based around these texts. Alongside our work on our class novels, we will continue to practise our comprehension skills, handwriting skills, learn and practise spellings and improve our grammar. We will also cover various text types, such as poetry, instructions, and play scripts. Our first text is ‘It Was a Dark and Stormy Night’.
Throughout the term, we will develop the children's spelling, punctuation and grammar skills whilst also focusing on handwriting and presentation.
In Guided Reading, some of us will be reading ‘Fantastic Mr Fox’ by Roald Dahl with Miss Horton. Some of us will be working with Mrs Wood, Mrs Giles and Miss Merryweather in smaller guided reading groups to develop our reading skills, as well as our comprehension skills. We will be reading a different text each week, and these will range from non-fiction topics about Tigers, to fiction texts about a baby elephant.
During the first half term our topic will be Rocks and Soils. The children will be taught to compare and group together different kinds of rocks based on their appearance and
physical properties. They will also learn how fossils are formed and begin to recognise that soils are made from rocks and organic matter. This topic will include a trip to Wrens Nest Nature Reserve where the children will be able to search for their own fossils! The children will also continue to learn and carryout different types of scientific enquiry.
This term our topic will be looking at the Stone Age, Iron Age and Bronze Age. We will be finding out lots of information about how these people lived, exploring their dwellings, and looking at how trade developed over the eras. We will be asking the question: would we rather live in the Stone Age, Iron age or Bronze age.
In Geography, we will be learning about who and what lives in Antarctica. We will be focussing on climate, latitude and longitude positions, as well as comparing it to the UK and the climate we have here. We will be researching into Shackleton’s expedition and stating the outcome of this.
In our art lessons this half term, we will be making prehistoric artwork, to work alongside our History topic about prehistory. We will be using paints to add colour to our art, and mixing colour to add detail.
This term, we will be making a pneumatic toy. We will be making a Sabre tooth tiger or mammoth and will need lots of help to do this! We will be completing this in our Inspire lesson, so parents, make sure you bring your practical skills with you!
In Music, we have the exciting opportunity to learn the trumpet! We will be visited by Mr Bates every Monday throughout the year where we will be learning to read music, as well as perform in front of others.
This term, we will be learning gymnastics with Mr Bennett, our PE teacher. Alongside this, we will be learning Dance with Mrs Wood and Miss Horton during our class PE lessons. In these lessons, children will learn how to create and hold balances, before putting movements together to create a sequence. In dance, we will be creating phrases and putting them together to perform.
This term, we will be practising logging on to the laptop before starting to recap about E-safety. We will be making sure that we know how to stay safe online, and thinking about what to do if we feel unsafe.
In Autumn 1 we will be focusing on pets. The children will learn to say, read, write and listen to a number of key phrases. By the end of the topic, will be able to ask others if they have a pet and respond accordingly.
During Autumn 2, our topic will be ‘The Date’. The children will revist previous knowledge about days of the week. We will learn numbers to 31 and the 12 months of the year. By the end of the topic, the children will be able to read, write and say dates in French.
Our focus in RE this term will be Christianity. We will be looking at the ‘Big Story’, and reading different texts from the Old Testament.
Our PSHE themes will be ‘Being Me in my World’ and ‘Celebrating Differences’, where we will discuss what makes us and our families unique!
Look what we have been doing...
History Showcase
On the afternoons of 5th and 6th December, we invited parents and carers into school to look at, and hear about, our amazing History learning.